Accurate, Reliable & Timely supply of Global Credit Information is our commitment - GlobalCIS®
Credit Information Solutions
Designing and building customized credit information products and support systems is our Specialty.
Whether you are seeking to enhance an existing credit screening process, or to create a new approach to performing credit screening of your customer base, GlobalCIS® maintains the expertise and resources needed to achieve this cost-effectively AND within your specified time frame.
What type of customized solutions can be provided?
Over the years, GlobalCIS® has developed a wide range of customized credit information products, as well as a number of B2B corporate screening, and due diligence products for a diversified number of customers, including Banking & Finance sector, Export Insurance, large multi-nationals and Internet trading platforms.
We welcome any type of customized solution but remind customers that the decision to proceed is conditional that there exists sufficient numbers involved to make it commercial viable.
What is the approximate time frame for GlobalCIS® to design and implement a customized solution for a customer?
Depending on the complexity of the request and level of software involved, usually 10 to 15 working days is sufficient to take the customization from "concept level" to a finished product ready to be used.
What is the procedures involved to request and implement a customized solution for a customer?
Contact GlobalCIS® Customer Support at: customersupport@global-creditreports.com and one of our Credit Information Specialists will be pleased to guide you through the process.
Should you have any further questions regarding this particular GlobalCIS® product, please log into our Queries section http://www.global-creditreports.com/home/contact.cfm, and submit your request.
One of our Credit Data & Product Specialists will be pleased to assist and reply to you within 24 hours.