About Us

GlobalCIS® - a privately owned, medium-sized corporation with a long tradition. Well known for quality, famed for its innovative and smart solutions and worldwide coverage of the most comprehensive credit reports available in the world.

As an owner-managed corporation, GlobalCIS® is an integrated long-term partner with the international commercial credit reporting industry. For over 30 years we have licensed and supplied globally all major Re-sellers of commercial credit reporting industry, as well as a wide range of strategically positioned large end-user companies requiring various types of customized XML credit information solutions.

We apply our know-how, gained through many years of experience, to the design and production of trendsetting credit information solutions tailor-made to suit our customers' requirements. We focus on developing new products that contribute towards improving the ability for companies to perform reliable, comprehensive and accurate cross-border due diligence on a 24/7 basis.


Years of being a world leader


Experienced credit analysts


Nationalities represented across our global network workforce


Countries covered for production


Countries where our credit information products are distributed


Database software versions & enhancements released


Data fields updated per day


Recommended credit / finance for trade insurance per annum


Cross-border company ownership linkages maintained annually